1,431 Omicron Cases, Most In Maharashtra (454); Covid Cases Up 35% Today

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The number of cases of fast-spreading Omicron variant has risen to 1,431 in India, with Maharashtra reporting the most number of infections. The country also reported a 35 per cent jump in new Covid cases as it reported 22,775 infections today.

The Omicron variant has now spread to 23 states in India. Maharashtra is the worst-affected state with 454 cases, followed by Delhi with 351 infections.

Tamil Nadu is the third worst-affected state with 118 cases. The southern state is followed closely by Gujarat, which has 115 cases. With 109 cases, Kerala is the fifth worst affected state which has reported over 100 infections.

The biggest challenge India will face amid the Omicron crisis will be the sudden need for medical care, WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan said. “The surge is going to be very fast and many people are going to be sick,” she warned with the new variant of concern already driving up cases across the world.

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