Quad Partners Deliver 200,000 India-Made Covid-19 Vaccines To Thailand

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India and its partners in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad, handed over 200,000 doses of made-in-India Covid-19 vaccines to Thailand on Thursday under the grouping’s vaccine partnership.

This was the second consignment of vaccines delivered by India under the Quad vaccine partnership, following the inaugural donation of 325,000 doses of made-in-India jabs to Cambodia on April 12. Thursday’s donation fulfilled Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to provide 500,000 vaccine doses to countries in the Indo-Pacific.

The consignment of 200,000 doses of Covovax vaccines was presented to Thai deputy prime minister Anutin Charnvirakul in Bangkok by Indian ambassador Suchitra Durai, Australian ambassador Allan McKinnon, Japanese ambassador Nashida Kazuya and the US chargé d’affaires James Wayman.

The Quad vaccine partnership was announced by the Quad leaders at their first summit on March 12, 2021 to leverage the grouping’s collective strength to ensure equitable access to safe, effective and quality-assured vaccines. Modi made a commitment about donating 500,000 doses of vaccines at the Quad Leaders’ Summit in Washington last September.

The Quad countries have collectively provided Thailand 4.5 million Covid-19 vaccine doses and more than 200 million doses to countries in the Indo-Pacific region. Most of the doses were provided by the US.

The four countries have also provided last-mile delivery assistance and monetary support to ensure that vaccines translate into vaccinations. Australia is supporting Thailand to deliver the vaccines safely and effectively to its citizens, including by strengthening data systems and developing communication strategies with a focus on the migrant population.

India has supported Thailand’s efforts to augment its capabilities to fight the pandemic by providing oxygen concentrators and medicines. Japan has provided oxygen concentrators for treating patients and high-quality equipment for vaccine storage and transport through the “Last One Mile Support” initiative.

The US has assisted Thailand with surveillance and contact tracing, case investigation, training healthcare workers and data management.

The government of Thailand has conveyed its appreciation for vaccines and other assistance from the Quad. The members of Quad have assured Thailand about their desire to extend all possible support to combat the pandemic.

Under the Quad vaccine partnership, the US Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are providing finance to support the efforts of India’s Biological E to manufacture one billion doses of vaccines.

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