Competitiveness Council To Discuss The EU’s Long-Term Competitiveness And Two Proposals To Facilitate Online Services

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On 2 March, Minister for Energy, Business and Industry Ebba Busch will chair a meeting of the Competitiveness Council in Brussels.

At the meeting, the ministers will seek to adopt a general approach to the sale of distance financial services to consumers, and data collection and sharing relating to short-term rental of accommodations. The ministers will also discuss the EU’s long-term competitiveness.

“One of the priorities of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU is to strengthen the EU’s long-term competitiveness, which includes improving conditions for growth and creating more jobs in Europe while also implementing the green transition,” says Minister for Energy, Business and Industry Ebba Busch.

Important agenda issues

The EU’s long-term competitiveness

In light of the 30th anniversary of the internal market, the ministers will discuss the EU’s long-term competitiveness. This discussion will contribute to the development of the European Commission’s long-term competitiveness strategy ahead of the meeting of the European Council on 23–24 March.

Short-term rental of accommodations

The ministers will seek to establish a general approach to data collection and sharing relating to short-term rental of accommodations, which account for nearly 25% of the EU’s supply of tourist accommodation.

Distance financial services

The ministers will seek to establish a general approach to the sale of distance financial services to consumers. The proposal will simplify and modernise the 2002 directive.

“I look forward to completing two legislative proposals that will facilitate online services. They concern short-term rental of accommodations and distance financial services,” says Ebba Busch.

Other business

The Swedish Presidency and the European Commission will report on the follow-up of the EU-Ukraine summit that took place in February 2023.

The Swedish Presidency will submit a status report ahead of the launch of the unitary patent system on 1 June 2023 and the establishment of a new patent court.

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