Secrets Of Tantric Yoga For Intimacy, Healing, And Sexual Fulfillment

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Did you know that Tantra teaches us to tap into all our senses, so we can transform even the simplest act like tasting chocolate into a divine experience?

Often times most people associate Tantra with practices meant to supercharge your sex life, but is that really all there is to this practice?

In a nutshell the answer would be, no! There’s so much more to the art of tantra. There’s a certain amount of sensuousness that goes hand in hand with it as well.

Are you up for the challenge? If so, keep reading below!

What does Tantra Actually Mean?

Tantra is the practice of kundalini awakening. It promises physical and spiritual ecstasy for individuals, as well as for couples.

It’s more or less a weaving and integrating process of awakening our dormant potential.

Tantric Energy

While most of us think of sex as the first thought when we think of Tantra Yoga, it is a powerful combination of asanas, pranayama, and meditation.

It is an ancient practice and chakra energy work that you can use to build strength, clarity, sexual connection and bliss in everyday life.

By harnessing and embodying the forces of Shakti (female deity), who represents creativity and change, Tantric Yoga suggests we can move through the world with much more contentment.

Tantric practices, such as Tantra yoga, work on the subtle energies within the body to enhance spiritual growth and physical well being. Through the exploration of these energies and their connection to the universe, the purpose of life and the connection to others can be understood in a new dimension.

What Is Tantric Yoga?

Tantric yoga is low-key an awesome way to get your amorous thoughts and feelings moving within the body when you’re stuck in a sluggish streak or sex rut.

Yoga is all about energies, connecting to the body and soul, as well as breathing. When you think about it, it’s actually pretty sexual.

Believe it or not, people have been using yoga and tantra to get in touch with their sexual selves for an extremely long time.

What Is Tantric Sex?

Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu practice that has been going for over 5,000 years, and means ‘the weaving and expansion of energy.’ It’s a slow form of sex that’s said to increase intimacy and create a mind-body connection that can lead to powerful orgasms.

Many couples who are experiencing frustration and unhappiness are not just motivated by sexual dissatisfaction.

It’s those who have identified the issue within their relationship, and sense that sex and relationships have the potential to provide them with a deeper experience of connection with each other that embark on a quest for sacred connectivity to fulfill their dismay sexually.

What Is The Goal Of Tantric Yoga?

Kundalini (Yoga) has its roots in the Tantric Yoga tradition, which dates back to the eighth century. Tantra techniques are exceptional at fostering intimacy. It is designed to allow couples to increase their ability to give and to receive each other’s energy.

According to Tantra, kundalini energy rests like a coiled serpent at the base of the spine. When this dormant energy flows freely upward through the seven chakras (energy centers) and leads to an expanded state of consciousness, it’s known as a kundalini awakening.

The irony of mastering tantra is that you discover that you and your significant other don’t need to learn to do more; you simply need to surrender and allow yourselves to be who you naturally are.

Ultimately, Tantra is a form of meditation. Instead of habitually using our thinking mind, students will learn to cultivate the mind’s capacity for being completely quiet and receptive.

All these techniques reach their highest development when you are successful in the quieting of the mind.

The Effects Of Tantric Yoga

All of the yogic techniques that are taught emphasize awareness of the subtle energy body and the chakras. Every chakra, contains dormant energy, consciousness, and intelligence, and tantra techniques teachings aim to arouse and harness those untapped and unused energies.

As human beings, our energy structure gives us the broadest range of powers and privileges, and we therefore have a great responsibility to use them wisely.

In the past, many couples may have regularly sought to infuse more love and passion into their intimate relationships by consulting a minister, a sex therapist.

Within the three decades an increasing number of Americans and Europeans have turned to teachings that claim to fuse sex and spirituality in an unparalleled fusion that can transform sexual relationships into liberation, physical ecstasy and a path towards personal growth.

Once you’ve opened your five senses, and synced all of the levels of yourself into balance, you my friend may find yourself transformed. As a result, you may not want to lead a life that doesn’t give you any capacity for creativity or utter bliss and joy.

Tantra is Not Just Sex

Most of tantra yoga practice is geared toward the focus on purification and Tantra practitioners don’t just explore sex as a metaphor; they make it a crucial activity in their spiritual path.

Tantra is respectively know for its spirituality throughout Indian history.

Tantra’s appreciation for the body and its senses made it into a huge phenomenon where tons of yogis experimented with ways to purify their bodies so they could carry the enormous energy of awakened kundalini.

Tantra is widely used as an enlightenment practice, where the body is seen as a microcosm of the whole universe much like the philosophy of meditation.

A small part of Tantric texts that deal with sexuality amounts to less than 10 percent, while well over half the texts focuses on the use of mantras.

One thing to be aware of is that you aren’t likely to raise dangerous energies that could unbalance you physically or mentally.

Furthermore, in traditional Indian Tantra, it was often believed that the second chakra (sexual “energy” center) is not opened. It is the opening of the fourth chakra (the heart) or the sixth chakra (the third eye, aka seat of intuitive wisdom) that become attuned with the use of tantra practices.

The Ultimate Path Of Tantra

In addition, perhaps the greatest danger of those on a new path of Tantra is that the practitioner can fool themselves into thinking they’re having a”spiritual” experience when all they’re really doing is enjoying a blast of increased prana (life energy).

Once you have established pure intention and strong control of energy the enormous power of sexuality accumulated within occurs naturally.

When we confuse physical pleasure with spiritual bliss, we miss out on the deepest rewards of Tantra, the ecstasy of union. That’s why it’s extremely important to build a spiritual foundation through meditation so the connection is undeniable.

No matter what, Tantra teaches and instills in you, they do their due diligence by educating their students in the realization that physical ecstasy is only a fraction of the gifts of Tantra.

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