How The Belgian Presidency Will Put The Spotlight On Cities And Regions In 2024

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2024 is a pivotal year for us all. With the ‘Fit for 55’ package finalised and upcoming EU elections, the focus will shift increasingly be on the implementation of the European Green Deal.

The first half of 2024 will also be the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council (January to June 2024). On this occasion, the Flemish and Walloon regional governments plan to harness their Presidency to focus on Green Deal implementation, which naturally puts local and regional governments in the spotlight.

Translating the EU Green Deal into local action

15th March, European Parliament in Brussels, organised by the Flemish government

On March 15th, 2024, the Flemish government will organise a big event gathering 550 mayors who are ‘fit for 55’ at the European Parliament. The aim is to bring together local and regional leaders from across Europe at a strategic time, right before the EU elections, to show EU leaders the pivotal role cities and regions play in implementing the European Green Deal.

At this pivotal moment, the Conference will aim to shed a light on the way forward to implement the European Green Deal. Inspired by the example of the Flemish Local Energy and Climate Pact, the event will put special emphasis on developing a steady multilevel governance framework, with bridges between the EU initiatives and more direct funding solutions.

This event is a unique opportunity for local and regional leaders from across Europe to showcase best practices, experience In-depth sessions with experts from the local to the European level, and share a glass with other local leaders while building strong connections for the future.

A declaration with main asks was already drafted and will be signed by attending mayors and regional leaders. The intention is to unify their voices and pass a strong message to the Commission right in time for the EU elections: to keep the Green Deal high on the agenda, and make sure local and regional governments have the opportunities and means to implement it. You can already read the full declaration here.

Climate Chance Europe 2024 Wallonia Summit on Adaptation

8-9th February, Palais des Congrès in Liège, organised by the Walloon government

In 2024, during the Belgian Presidency of the EU Environmental Council, “adaptation and resilience” was identified as one of the main focal points, alongside “just transition” and “circular economy”. The Walloon Region has taken on the task of organising an event centred on adaptation. Happening in Liège from February 8th to 9th, 2024, the summit’s main theme is “Adaptation to climate change, nature-based solutions and resilience”.

Although the event goes beyond local governments, striving to bring together over 800 non-state actors, local and European representatives from civil society and institutions, there will be a dedicated session co-organised by the Covenant of Mayors for local authorities. In all, around 15 workshops, field visits, a gala evening, parallel meetings and two plenary sessions will highlight and facilitate exchanges on specific solutions for achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal.

A “Liège Declaration” will be produced at the summit, gathering the collective conclusions and insights from the event. The declaration will contain crucial messages and actionable proposals from non-state actors, which can be presented to the European Councils in March and June 2024.

As a crucial space in the event, there will also be a pitch corner showcasing selected climate actions throughout the European Union. The actions will also be published on the Action Map, listing best practices and climate initiatives around the world.

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