Belgian Ministers Introduce The Informal EPSCO In Namur: Watch The Doorsteps

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The Informal EPSCO (Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council configuration) takes place in Namur on 11 and 12 January, and will bring together ministers from EU Member States, EFTA countries and 2 candidate countries, European social partners and institutions.

At the heart of Europe

The Belgian presidency will transform Wallonia’s capital into a meeting place of European employment and social affairs stakeholders for two days of intense work. This event marks the inaugural informal ministerial meeting under the Belgian presidency and underscores our key priority: strengthening the social dimension of the European Union.

Protect, invest and reform

Europe grapples with climate and technological change as well as demographic and geopolitical shifts, which demand a strategic and ambitious response to reinforce social cohesion and ensure sustainable growth.

Even though European welfare states have proven their ability to protect citizens and workers in times of crises, gaps still persist in our labour markets and social protection systems. The European Union and its Member States must address and prevent the challenges ahead of us. It is our responsibility to shape the European social agenda. The Informal EPSCO Council in Namur aims to bring all stakeholders together to provide a robust input on the European Strategic Agenda for the next EU legislative period.

Discussions will delve into critical issues such as access to social protection and labour market shortages, with a particular focus on wages, labour conditions and skills policies. Our efforts will prioritize recognizing the long-term benefits of social policies as well as emphasizing investments in areas such as childcare, healthcare, upskilling and reskilling, and labour market policies that contribute to both economic growth and social well-being.

Furthermore, the conversations will address the essential role of quality social services, including social housing, within the European social model and with an emphasis on coordination, funding, and accessibility. Finally, the event will explore the European Union’s role in the Global Coalition for Social Justice, considering the challenges and opportunities associated with the EU enlargement process, aiming to promote upwards social convergence to European standards in candidate countries in the short term.

Aiming 2030

The Belgian presidency aims to leverage the outcomes of this meeting to start shaping an Interinstitutional Declaration on the European Pillar of Social Rights and the future of Social Europe that will be adopted at the end of a high-level ministerial conference that the Belgian Presidency will host in La Hulpe on 15 and 16 April 2024.

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