Aliens Spying On International Space Station? Man Spots Fleet Of 10 UFOs In NASA Livestream

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The newest sensational addition to the list of unexplained aerial phenomena comes from a UFO hunter, who claims to have spotted 10 unidentified flying objects (UFOs) during NASA’s livestream from the International Space Station (ISS).

The man who goes by the name Jeff, made the sightings while watching NASA’s live feed earlier in the week. He claims 10 ‘unknown objects’ were hovering around the ISS. Jeff shared a screenshot of the visual with the time of 8.30 am ET on July 3. At the time, the ISS was over South Atlantic.

Failing to understand the spotting, Jeff shared the screenshot with YouTuber called Michael, who calls himself ‘full-time Earth Watchman’ i.e., a person tracking changes that occur on and in the vicinity of Earth trying to find out hidden explanations for different phenomenon.

Since it was shared by the YouTube, the viral screenshot has been viewed nearly 170,000 times.

People have come up with a variety of plausible and implausible explanations.

Some claimed they were spacecrafts belonging to the US Space force, which was created by former President Donald Trump. Some believed they were UFOs, adding that NASA would claim its ‘space-junk’.

One of the more plausible explanations could be that this fleet was a part of the Starlink satellite network created by billionaire Elon Musk’s company SpaceX, which now has hundreds of artificial bodies orbiting the Earth.

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