Believe It Or Not: These Sites Are Believed To Be World’s Most Haunted

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There is some kind of thrill associated with haunted places and horror stories. Reason why many reportedly haunted places are popular tourist spots too.

If you also want to test your adventurous side, check out these places that are believed to be the world’s most haunted and update your travel wishlist.

Bhangarh Fort, India

This ruined city in Rajasthan is famed for being one of India’s most haunted places. It was abandoned in the 17th century after it was cursed, and has many tales of horror associated to boast of. Reportedly, visitors can visit this place in daytime, but no one is allowed to step inside it once the sun sets. If reports are to go by, many supernatural activities take place here.

The Coliseum, Rome

This is yet another iconic structure, and one of the world’s most popular structures. This grand structure used to serve as a place to stage fights under Emperor Titus, which claimed numerous lives. The prisoners and gladiators met their horrific end here, while some even got killed by lions. Animals were also massacred here regularly, and it is believed that the vaults beneath the Coliseum has been haunted for a long time. One can apparently also hear swords clashing and hear whispers here, so beware!

Predjama Castle, Slovenia

This cave castle built in 1274 is a spooky site that has managed to lure daredevils for a long time now. This grand structure used to serve as the residence of the knight Erazem Lueger. And, as per the records, the king was killed inside the castle by his own servants, the reason why the castle is believed to be haunted by his soul now.

Casa Loma, Canada

This Gothic-style house was completed in 1914, and a number of ghost sightings have been reported at the castle. Filled with corridors and secret passageways, the castle is believed to be haunted by the spirits of original castle owners, Sir Henry Pallat and his wife Lady Mary.

The Grand Canyon, Arizona

Magnificent and one of the world’s most beautiful places, the Grand Canyon can actually be haunted as per some people. During night time, this place gets quiet and, reportedly, this is when people have witnessed ghosts circling around. The most famous version is that of the ‘wandering woman’, who is believed to have been wandering in search of her family, who died hiking here in the 1920s.

Eiffel Tower

This might come as a shocker for you! We all know how Paris has been tagged as the City of Love, and one of its most popular places, Eiffel Tower, has been a popular place for marriage proposals, and all things romantic. But did you know that it’s also a hotspot for suicides? If reports are to go by, investigations have been carried out into the paranormal activities in and around the tower. And, if legends are to go by, there was a jilted lover who planned to propose to his ladylove here, but later pushed her to death when she declined. Her screams and laughter can reportedly still be heard at the site.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

With 900 years of shocking history, this castle once used to serve as a military fortress and had witnessed numerous executions, attacks, and much more. As per the records, its history can be traced back to at least the 12th century, and has often been referred to as a paranormal location. During a research where around 200 people participated and explored its passageways and chambers to check for signals of paranormal activity, more than half of them reportedly had weird experiences.

The Great Wall of China

It’s undoubtedly one of the most brilliant man-made structures on earth! But did you know that this great structure is believed to be haunted as well? If we go by the history records, almost two million workers lost their lives while building this magnificent structure, which is believed to be a reason why tourists have reported about ghost sightings here. There were reports that while many have experienced nausea and headaches, some have even heard marching footsteps here.

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