COVID-19 Positive People In China Forced To Live In Metal Boxes Under Draconian Curbs

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The current surge of COVID-19 cases across the globe has prompted several countries to impose strict restrictions to curb the spread of the virus, but some videos doing rounds on social media show that China has taken COVID-19 curbs to another level altogether.

In a series of horrifying videos being uploaded on social media by residents, unending rows of confined metal boxes can be seen to house people who have contracted COVID-19 in China. These new restrictions have been imposed amid the country’s new ‘Zero COVID’ rule.

The visuals from the videos uploaded on social media show rows of metal boxes for suspected COVID-19 patients as well as lines of buses taking people to quarantine camps. The new zero COVID-19 policy of China has several draconian curbs imposed for people who have either contracted the virus or are experiencing symptoms.

Millions have been placed under quarantine as China gears up to host the Winter Olympics next month in Beijing. According to media reports and social media posts, people including pregnant women, children, and elderly are being forced to live in cramped metal boxes amid the tightened COVID-19 curbs.

The Daily Mail reports that these metal boxes are furnished with just a wooden bed and a toilet, and the person may stay in these cramped conditions for as long as two weeks even if a single person in their locality tests positive for the virus.

People have been often told after midnight that they are required to move to the quarantine centres immediately and evacuate out of their houses. The draconian laws to curb COVID-19 cases in China have come under fire after several people have had harrowing experiences due to them.

Recently, a pregnant Chinese woman lost her baby after she was denied entry inside a hospital in Xi’an just because her COVID-19 negative report was a few hours old. Another cause of a man dying due to a heart attack was reported in China when a hospital refused to admit him amid the COVID-19 norms.

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