Covishield Vaccine Side-Effects: 4 New Side-Effects Discovered With The Astrazeneca COVID Shot

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Side-effects associated with COVID-19 vaccine shots have been widely discussed ever since the vaccines were first pushed into usage.

With the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine particularly, side-effects have been a little concerning, with preliminary reports indicating a likelihood of the vaccine causing rare neurological complications and a risk of blood clotting disorders as well.

While the vaccine, backed by a traditionally-used, safer vaccine technology, instructs the immune cells to cause mild ‘flu-like’ reactions in most cases, post-vaccination side-effects with the vaccine, which, marked for use in India as Covishield can also play out differently for every individual. Now, newer reports have highlighted that the vaccine can also cause a host of different symptoms which need to be looked for. With booster vaccine shots also being considered for use, knowing, and being aware of possible side-effects can help a person weigh their risks as well. With more people continue to be jabbed, newer side-effects are also coming into play

Pain in the arms and legs

Although not a classically-defined side-effect associated with the vaccine, a few reports have found out that getting the COVID-19 jab can make some experience a level of pain in their legs, and arms. While it’s not uncommon to experience a little pain and discomfort in the arm that you have received the vaccine shot in (local side-effect), leg pain could stem from muscle pain, which is a side-effect that is associated with most vaccines. The leg pain and tiredness can strike in both legs, along with joint pain and tiredness. If the pain persists in a single leg, clinical advice may be needed.

Viral influenza-like symptoms

While vaccines are known to cause flu-like symptoms (such as a fever, chills and body pain), according to European Medical Authorities, viral influenza-like symptoms, which could cause certain symptoms that affect the nose and the threat have been also found to afflict some people. It may not happen with everyone, but can be a side-effect to watch for. Therefore, if you do happen to develop a fever, chills, muscle pain, sneezing or some level of congestion, it may be taken to be a COVID-19 vaccine side-effect right now. Earlier studies have also indicated that sneezing is a rare side-effect felt by those vaccinated beneficiaries who may have had COVID-19 before.


Experiencing nausea, abdominal cramps can too be two side-effects that can strike after vaccination. While these digestive symptoms have been previously noted with other COVID vaccines, authorities have now found that these side-effects can also be common with Covishield, or Astrazeneca vaccine. One can feel a certain discomfort, queasiness or an urge to vomit after getting the vaccine shot. This side-effect is also more likely to occur with the first vaccine dose, rather than the second one.

Lost appetite

Some beneficiaries also report being unable to eat well, or feeling a sense of losing their appetite for a couple of days after being vaccinated with the Oxford-Astrazeneca vaccine dose. A loss or experiencing a change in appetite is also common with a lot of flu-like illnesses as well as COVID-19, so make sure you keep yourself well-fed and minimize the intensity of the side-effects.

Can these be termed to be adverse reactions?

While certain side-effects like blood clots, seizures, intense headaches and allergic reactions can be alarming signs post-vaccination, the newer side-effects may not be adverse side-effects, and are more likely to be an extension of flu-like side-effects noted with the administration of Covishield vaccine.

Not only are these side-effects found to strike people hours following vaccination and last for a couple of days time, adverse, allergic reactions are a ‘rare’ occurrence, and set in at a different time. Here’s how you can differentiate between mild and adverse reactions, if you have just been vaccinated (link to story).

All common side-effects with Covishield (which may not happen to everyone) come up one or two days post vaccination and tend to get better with time.

What other unusual side-effects have been reported

Apart from this, studies and anecdotal evidence has also established that with the use of Astrazeneca vaccine, some beneficiaries also tend to feel some of these side-effects. It should be noted that these side-effects may not strike everyone or vary in intensity, but can be experienced nonetheless and best to be prepared for:


-Feeling dizzy or weak

-Experiencing lymph node enlargement (uncommon side-effect)

-Excessive sweating

-Rashes and redness on the skin

How to manage and treat side-effects with Covishield

Side-effects with any vaccine, including Covishield vaccine are mild and temporary in most cases, and tend to go away on their own in a matter of a couple of days at best. Having said that, people can also take painkillers and seek medicinal help, if needed.

Some side-effects like weakness, chills, body pain, mild fever etc. can also be easily managed using natural ways. Not only is it critical to take ample rest and sleep after vaccination, making sure you have eaten well, hydrated and follow stress-relieving practices also ensure that the side-effects subside and not get worse. Beneficiaries can also make use of warm/cold compress, take refreshing showers, have soothing liquids and concoctions to feel better in no time.

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