Cyber Security: Stronger Together

Brussels will be welcoming more than 500 diplomatic, administrative and military cyber experts to tackle the digital challenges of our era together. In doing so, they will consider the European initiatives and (proposed) legislation. They will also look ahead to the coming five years.

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The Belgian presidency comes at the right time for further enhancing European cyber security and cyber strategies for future challenges and developments.

Cyber security and the EU

The EU considers cyber security to be the activities needed to protect network and information systems, their users and other people facing cyber threats. We are facing a rising trend in the number of cyber attacks. The EU is responding to these developments with legislation and some further initiatives.

An additional factor is that many sectors are making more and more use of digital technologies. The number of cyber attacks and crimes are growing along with this. These also include regimes or organisations using these technologies to target our government institutions, among others, for example by means of DDOS attacks. In order to remain resistant to new developments, the EU is focusing on research and innovative strategies against these threats.

What initiatives already exist?

The EU has been committed to security and collaboration in terms of cyberspace for some time now. This includes cyber strategies for both within the EU and outside it. In addition, the Council of the EU finds it important for us to retain an open economy, and for us to enhance our digital leadership and strategic capacities.

Binding rules relating to cyber security are already being introduced in all Member States through European regulations. These will make everyone within the Union better protected. The EU Cyber Security Regulations took effect in 2019 and ensure that the European Union Agency for Cyber Security can work more effectively, and that there is a certification system for determining security (risks). There is also the European Union Agency for Cyber Security (Enisa).

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