Daily Horoscope

Daily Horoscope for March 26, 2025

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Your sense of stability could be challenged this morning, dear Aries, as the Aquarius moon squares Uranus. Take shocking news, chaotic events, and twists of fate in stride, especially when pieces of information are missing. It would be easy to lose composure while a harsh square between Mars and Chiron intensifies this afternoon, so be mindful to avoid hasty reactions. Now is also a good time to examine how specific actions are hurtful to yourself or loved ones. Slip away into your world once Luna enters Pisces, seeking privacy so you can reflect on present circumstances while building up to new dreams.

The Aquarius moon and Uranus square off this morning, dear Taurus, sending shockwaves your way. Sudden obstacles or issues with authority figures may throw you in a loop, but try to stay grounded so impulses don’t lead you astray. Unfortunately, it may be challenging to rehearse your words while Mars and Chiron square off, weakening your filter. If you notice physical symptoms of anger bubbling up, find a good reason to excuse yourself. Tensions begin to fade once Luna drifts into ethereal Pisces, washing away unresolved conflicts. Use this energy to promote community by offering olive branches or lending support.


Try to embrace a screen-free morning, dear Cancer, as the Aquarius moon and Uranus square off. This energy could trigger agitation and conflict via social media while slowing down to appreciate your surroundings, which will do the spirit good. Be mindful of the restrictions you’ve placed upon yourself once afternoon sets in and Mars squares Chiron, considering if there are ways you can push yourself further without burning out. Believe in your goals, chase them, and cater to your needs to make the most of these vibes. You’ll feel uplifted and supported by unseen forces once Luna enters Pisces.



Cancer zodiac & star sign dates: Symbols and meaning for Cancer | Express.co.uk

The light within shines brightly this morning, darling Cancer, thanks to a sweet connection between the Aquarius moon and Jupiter. Reflect on your most intimate relationships and how they can be improved to make the most of these vibes, but work on self-empowerment as well. Mercury Rx and Pluto align this afternoon, helping you break new ground professionally. If you’re getting brushed off by your superiors, now is a good time to reiterate your goals and what you deserve. Know your limits and set boundaries accordingly when Luna, Mars, and Chiron activate later this evening.

Don’t be discouraged if loved ones seem distant this morning, darling Leo. A harsh square between the Aquarius moon and Uranus brings an unpredictable energy to the table, and walls may go up suddenly as people scramble to find their footing. Do some soul-searching this afternoon when Mars and Chiron align, examining what you need to feel nurtured, passionate, and on track. Spiritual support systems can be helpful during this time, marking the perfect occasion to meditate, pray, or draw tarot cards. You’ll sense change brewing from deep within once Luna enters Pisces and your house of transformation.



Virgo zodiac & star sign dates: Symbols and meaning for Virgo | Express.co.uk

Disruptions to your morning routines could be blessings in disguise, dearest Virgo, as the Aquarius moon and Uranus square off. Do your best to go with the flow, searching for beauty and synchronicities when plans go awry. This energy can also lead to lucky breaks when you consistently work on significant goals. Watch out for jealousy amongst peers and avoid feeding your envious feelings when Mars and Chiron form a harsh connection this afternoon. Luckily, there will be plenty of love to go around once Luna enters Pisces, putting you in the mood to embrace connection and sweetness.


Libra zodiac & star sign dates: Symbols and meaning for Libra | Express.co.uk

Clashing egos could create issues within your relationships this morning, dear Libra, as the Aquarius moon and Uranus square off. Put your pride to the side when conflict arises, determining what is worth fighting for and what your motivation is. Avoid the temptation to give the cold shoulder when Mars and Chiron form a harsh connection this afternoon but don’t hesitate to set boundaries if you need some space. The atmosphere shifts once Luna enters Pisces, redirecting your thoughts toward wellness, teamwork, and healthy living. Squash feuds through open and compassionate dialogue, choosing to put love before conflict.

Loved ones may seem more needy than usual as the Aquarius moon and Uranus square off, dearest Scorpio. However, your own patience could wear thin, making it essential that you don’t deplete yourself by catering to drama for which you don’t have the bandwidth. Create a happier ambiance when Mars and Chiron connect this afternoon, looking for opportunities to promote wellness and joy. Keeping busy with your to-do lists will also bring a satisfying sense of productivity, especially when chasing passion-fueled goals. Your creative eye sharpens once Luna enters Pisces, helping you take expressive projects to the next level.

Your mind may feel pulled in multiple directions this morning, dear Sagittarius, as the Aquarius moon and Uranus form a harsh connection. Stay on your toes and be ready to improvise, trusting that your natural brilliance will allow you to solve problems as they arise. Keeping a list of tasks that must be completed can also help you stay on track. Watch out for drama and power struggles when Mars and Chiron square off this afternoon, and avoid stooping to the level of any jealous peers who might want to take you down a notch. Find nurturing at home once Luna enters Pisces, letting your cares slip away.



Capricorn zodiac & star sign dates: Symbols and meaning for Capricorn | Express.co.uk

The Aquarius moon and Uranus butt heads this morning, dear Capricorn, bringing an uncertain energy to the table. Egos will clash as confidence fluctuates, making it essential that you find ways to ground and reinforce a healthy sense of self. Tensions grow as afternoon sets in and Mars squares Chiron, galvanizing unpredictable temperaments. Try to have patience for yourself and your loved ones, reaching for harmony even when it feels out of grasp. Things will seem more apparent once Luna migrates into Pisces, making it easier to discuss issues and find a resolution. Now is also a good time to express your own needs without pointing fingers.


The moon takes her final steps through your sign. Today, dearest Aquarius, though, a harsh connection with Uranus could disrupt your flow. Heightened intuition will make you more sensitive to the energy swirling around you, and distractions will be difficult to avoid if you don’t find ways to protect your aura. Be on guard for unhealthy communication tactics when Mars and Chiron square off this afternoon. Don’t hesitate to draw lines with people who are acting unfairly, and remember to stay positive when speaking internally. Embrace simple pleasures to reset the heart and mind once Luna enters Pisces and your house of luxury.



Be extra mindful to maintain a clear head this morning, dear Pisces, as the Aquarius moon squares off with impulsive Uranus. Intrusive thoughts, distractions, and surprises could throw you for a loop, and it’s vital that you stay grounded to avoid mistakes. Try not to put extra pressure on yourself when Mars and Chiron form a harsh aspect this afternoon, and steer clear of situations that might bruise the ego. You’ll feel more collected once Luna migrates into your sign. Make the most of this lunar shift by touching base with your needs and desires, then pursue them without apology.


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