Eat Strawberry To Lower Blood Sugar; Know Its Wonderful Benefits For Diabetes

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If you are suffering from diabetes and following your doctor or dietician’s advice to stay away from sweet fruits that you always picked to satiate your palate as well as to get essential vitamins, there may still be few choices that you can go for.

According to recent studies, strawberry may be the ultimate superfood you were looking for to control blood sugar levels as well as satisfy your sweet cravings.

Recently researchers carried out a study on effect of strawberry intake on blood glucose levels. In this study published in journal of Food and Function, the researchers asked 14 overweight participants to have a strawberry drink at three separate intervals and found that those who consumed the strawberry beverages two hours before the meal had significantly lower blood glucose levels over a 10-hour period than those who drank it alongside their meal. The researchers suggested the fruit may work by improving insulin signal, moving glucose out of the bloodstream and into cells where it’s converted into energy.

A research Published in Women’s Health Study demonstrated that when compared to women who rarely or never ate strawberries had higher A1c’s and 10 % higher risk of developing diabetes than those who ate at least two servings of strawberries each week. Take Away from the study: Eating 2 or more cups of strawberries per week may decrease a woman’s risk of T2DM by 10%. Another showed that eating more anthocyanin-rich foods like strawberry may reduce the risk of T2DM.

“Strawberries are filled with vitamin C and magnesium. We do know that vitamin C is rich in antioxidants that helps in reducing diabetes related complications and Magnesium which can improve insulin resistance and helps in controlling diabetes. Not to mention they are good source of dietary fibre which slows absorption of sugar improving blood sugar levels and helping in reaching satiety. When it comes to carbs, 1 cup can hardly contribute to 7-8 g of carbs and 35-40 which categorises them as low glycemic fruit that is highly recommended for diabetic population,” says Dt. Poojitha L Acharya, BeatO App, Diabetes Care Coach.

“Eating strawberries alone is a healthier option than in the form of desserts, juices etc 1 cup/100 gms is recommended on alternative days,” adds Acharya.

While strawberries are rich in antioxidants and have many benefits for diabetics, it does not mean it can be consumed in any quantity or at any time of the day. Shruti Bharadwaj, Senior Clinical Dietician, Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispeciality Hospital Ahmedabad tells HT Digital the ideal time to have strawberries and also the quantity.

“Strawberry is rich in antioxidant – polyphenol which helps in fighting disease and reducing inflammation.

There is no food that helps one to control blood sugar levels. Overall type of carbohydrate in particular meal, quantity of carbohydrate plays an important role. It does not mean that strawberries have a low glycemic index so one can consume in any quantity. Ideally 4-5 berries is good to consume as evening snack or mid morning snack,” she says.

Additionally, strawberries are loaded with fibre and help improve digestive function apart from helping you overcome micronutrient deficiency.

“Anthocyanins in strawberries reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics. In 100 gm of strawberries, there are 36 calories and 0.7gm protein. So, 1.5 cups of strawberries can be consumed in a day. Minerals found in strawberries can help in overcoming micronutrients deficiency often found in type 2 diabetics. Fibers in strawberries help in cleansing and controlling bowel moments in patients. However, overconsumption of strawberries should be avoided as it has certain side effects!” says Dietitian Akanksha Dhyani.

So what are you waiting for? Eat those wonderful strawberries to satisfy your sweet cravings and control your blood sugar levels at the same time.

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