Here Are Some Post-Holi Detox Tips To Prep You For Office This Weekend

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This year, Indians celebrated Holi with great fervour after nearly two years. While many relished eating Indian sweet dishes, others dived deep into colourful play. After playing with great enthusiasm on Holi, we often feel tired the following week.

Since most of us plan to resume work this Monday, here are some tips to refresh yourself for an energetic week ahead.

Eat nuts and fresh fruits

During Holi, we indulge in eating a lot of junk food. To balance this unhealthy eating, we must begin eating dry fruits and fresh fruits. These foods are high in antioxidants, protein and good minerals. It is better to keep them handy in a container so that you always have them when you want to munch on something. This will help you keep a check on your calorie count too.

Hydrate your body

If you were into frequent assumption of alcoholic drinks during the festival, know that these drinks dehydrate your body during the festivals. This dehydration together combined with sugary foods can lead to further issues. Make sure you increase your water intake after Holi. You can also add probiotic foods like yogurt and paneer in your diet.

Add juices

In case you are not into eating fresh fruits, you can also switch to drinking fresh juices. These juices can boost up all the energy that you lost while playing Holi.

Switch to eating homemade food

Most of us have munched on high calorie junk food on Holi. Now that the festival is over and we are yet to head for work, it is time to resume eating homemade healthy food. Homemade food is full of nutrition and is also good for your gut health. After all the sweet dishes you have had on Holi, you should eat homemade food at least for a while.Switch to eating homemade food

Most of us have munched on high calorie junk food on Holi. Now that the festival is over and we are yet to head for work, it is time to resume eating homemade healthy food. Homemade food is full of nutrition and is also good for your gut health. After all the sweet dishes you have had on Holi, you should eat homemade food at least for a while.

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