How To Keep Body Odour At Bay This Summer Season

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When your perspiration comes into contact with microorganisms on the surface of your skin, it produces an unpleasant odour.

Sweating is your body’s method of temperature regulation. Despite the fact that perspiration has no odour, germs use it as a breeding site and reproduce quickly. The compounds associated with microorganisms breaking down keratin protein on your skin’s surface are what you smell.

– To get rid of body odour, mix hydrogen peroxide with water. 1 teaspoon hydrogen peroxide in 1 cup With a washcloth, wipe the afflicted regions (underarms, foot, groyne). This may aid in the elimination of some of the germs that cause odour.

– Wash your workout clothes frequently if perspiration from working out is your main source of body odour. Sweaty workout clothing are a breeding habitat for bacteria.

– Alter your eating habits. Avoid meals that can generate bad odour in the body. However, before making any major dietary changes, see a doctor or a dietitian.

– Speak to your doctor if you are sweating excessively. For those with more extreme sweating who seek more active therapies, there are a few possibilities. Excessive sweating might also be caused by certain medical conditions. Your doctor will be able to diagnose and treat you.

– Apply antiperspirant before going to bed. This allows the product to work while you are sleeping and not sweating. If you apply antiperspirants after showering in the morning, the sweat will wash the product away, leaving you vulnerable to daytime sweating. Deodorants do not stop you from sweating. They primarily serve to hide the odour of sweat on your skin. Antiperspirants are chemical substances that help you sweat less.

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