How To Move From Words To Action Against Racism

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On 16–17 February, the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU is organizing a conference on its Member States’ national anti-racism efforts.

The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of experience and inspiration. Among the participants are Sweden’s Minister for Gender Equality and Deputy Minister for Employment, Paulina Brandberg, and EU’s Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, who will hold a keynote speech.

The aim of the conference is to provide delegates with a forum to exchange experiences and provide positive examples and inspiration regarding ways that Member States can move from planning to implementation of their national plans against racism. The conference is part of a broader effort to highlight issues of racism and antisemitism on the EU’s political agenda.

“Racism goes against the principle of all people’s equal value, and ultimately constitutes a threat to fundamental values on which democracy is based. During the meeting, we hope to exchange ideas and perspectives on how we can best convert big, important words about anti-racism efforts into concrete action,” says Ms Brandberg.

“We are two and half years into the implementation of the first EU Anti-Racism Action Plan. During this period we appointed an EU Antiracism Coordinator, set up a permanent anti-racism civil society forum, and mainstreamed guidelines for developing national action plans against racism. We also presented a legislative proposal to strengthen equality bodies to prevent discrimination and facilitate access to justice for victims. I encourage those Member States that have not yet done so to develop and adopt national action plans to address racism at the local, regional and national level. This is the basis for the creation of a society free from racial or ethnic discrimination,” says Commissioner Dalli.

Experts from EU Member States and institutions, as well as representatives of government agencies and civil society, will take part in the conference.

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