If Your Sex Drive Is Unusually Low, Try This Homemade Aphrodisiac For A Natural Boost

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Your sex life is important for your overall health and well-being. High levels of stress, lack of exercise and unhealthy diet can each contribute to a low sex drive or low libido.

Ageing can also be considered as one of the top factors for a low libido. Hence, it is imperative for you all to live a healthy lifestyle and stay physically active for a good libido and healthy ageing. Also, there is something else that you do. Lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho took to Instagram to share a natural, libido boosting remedy. All you need to do is prepare a concoction with a few simple ingredients from your kitchen.

This natural aphrodisiac mix works on the principle of using food as medicine to boost libido in men and women. You need ingredients like methi or fenugreek powder (1/2 tsp), nutmeg powder (1/4 tsp), pure saffron strands (3-5) and cloves (2). Boil all of these in 2 cups water or 1 cup of cow milk (make sure that the milk is natural and not adulterated in any way. To sweeten the taste of this drink, you can add one or one and a half tsp of raw and unpasteurised honey.

This drink, according to Luke, can be consumed during bedtime.

Homemade aphrodisiac honey

You can also make aphrodisiac honey at home. Simply take 1 jar of raw unpasteurised honey and add finely chopped onion (2 tsbp) and sliced garlic (6 to 8 cloves) to it.

Dry grind the following: cloves (4), nutmeg (1 tsp), saffron (8 strands) and fenugreek seeds. Add this ground mixture to the honey (prepared by the above method). Let the dry ground mixture infuse into honey for 10 days.

You can consume 1 tbsp of this honey one hour after dinner. You can add this honey to hot water and sip it warm.

These homemade drinks can work wonders in terms of improving your sexual health, if you combine them with a healthy and active lifestyle. If you are suffering from any medical condition or are undergoing any treatment, then consult your doctor before consuming these.

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