India’s G20 Presidency Will Be Inclusive, Decisive, Action-Oriented: PM Modi

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India will make the G20 a “catalyst for global change” and work for collective action on challenges such as geopolitical tensions, economic slowdown and food and energy security, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Wednesday as the presidency of the grouping was handed over to the country by Indonesia.

The formal handing over of the presidency was done at the end of the G20 Summit hosted in Bali by Indonesia. India will formally begin its presidency on December 1 and host the next summit in New Delhi in September 2023.

In a brief address at the closing session of the summit in Bali, Modi noted India is taking charge of the G20 at a “time when the world is simultaneously grappling with geopolitical tensions, economic slowdown, rising food and energy prices and the long-term ill-effects of the pandemic”.

Speaking in Hindi, he said, “At such a time, the world is looking at the G20 with hope. Today, I want to assure that India’s G20 presidency will be inclusive, ambitious, decisive and action-oriented.”

“Together, we will make the G20 a catalyst for global change,” he added.

India, Modi said, will strive during its presidency to ensure that the G20 “acts as a global prime mover to envision new ideas and accelerate collective action”. The benefits of development should be universal and all-inclusive, and have to be extended to everyone with compassion and solidarity, he said.

“Global development is not possible without women’s participation. We have to maintain priority on women-led development even in our G20 agenda,” Modi said.

“Without peace and security, our future generations will not be able to take advantage of economic growth or technological innovation. The G20 has to convey a strong message in favour of peace and harmony. All these priorities are fully embodied in the theme of India’s G-20 chairmanship – ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’.”

Noting that the “sense of ownership over natural resources” is giving rise to conflict, Modi said this has become the main cause of the plight of the environment. A sense of trusteeship is the solution for the safe future of the planet and India’s LiFE or ‘Lifestyle for Environment’ can make a contribution in this context.

Modi further said it was a very auspicious coincidence that India is assuming the responsibility of the G20 presidency in “this holy island of Bali”, which has an age-old relationship with India. This is also a proud occasion for every Indian and the country will organise G20 meetings in different cities and states.

“Our guests will get full experience of India’s amazing diversity, inclusive traditions and cultural richness. We wish that all of you will participate in this unique celebration in India, the ‘Mother of Democracy’,” he added.

Modi congratulated Indonesian President Joko Widodo for his “efficient leadership” of the G20 in difficult times, and the G20 community for adopting the Bali Declaration. “India will strive to take forward Indonesia’s commendable initiatives during its G20 presidency,” he said.

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