Is Nikki Haley Hinting At Endorsing Donald Trump Ahead Of South Carolina Primary?

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Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, who is trailing Donald Trump by double digits in the Republican presidential race, has criticized both Trump and Joe Biden as “too old” and “dangerous” for the country. She said she would support Trump if he wins the nomination, but also hinted that there needs to be an alternative.

Haley told NPR’s Steve Inskeep that “the majority of Americans dislike Donald Trump and Joe Biden.” She said Biden is “more dangerous” because of his policies on immigration and the economy. She also said she has “a lot of concerns” about Trump regaining the presidency, and that he is “more unstable and unhinged” than ever.

Haley attacks Trump as ‘a bully’, Biden as ‘a threat’

Haley has been attacking Trump in recent weeks, calling him a “bully” who is “meaner and more offensive by the day.” She said he is “completely distracted” and “obsessed with his demons in the past.” She accused him of spending campaign money on personal lawsuits, threatening his opponents, and siding with Putin over US allies. She also said he mocks the military and calls people names.

The former South Carolina governor is facing an uphill battle against Trump, who has a loyal base of supporters.

According to FiveThirtyEight, Trump has 77.7% of the national Republican vote, while Haley has 16.4%. Trump leads Haley by nearly 30 points in two recent polls in her home state. Haley did manage to raise more money than Trump in January, which could help her stay in the race longer.

Some observers doubt that Haley will endorse Trump if he wins the nomination. Chris Vance, a former Washington state lawmaker and GOP chair who opposes Trump, said that Haley endorsing Trump would be “career-ending” for her. He said that there is no middle ground between Trump and Never Trump, and that MAGA will never support Haley. He described himself as “a politically homeless Never Trump Conservative.”

Haley said that America needs “a new generational leader” who can bring “normalcy” and focus on “the solutions of the future.” She did not name any potential alternatives to Trump or Biden.

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