Malaika Arora Suggests Yoga’s Parivrtta Utkatasana To Improve Posture During WFH

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It is the second year of dealing with Covid-19 pandemic and those working from home for long hours have been advised by doctors to change working positions every few hours to give their back a rest and Malaika Arora was seen rooting for the same.

As the culture of working from home alters the routines of our daily lives and lifestyles and health take a severe hit, Malaika encouraged fitness enthusiasts to add Parivrtta Utkatasana or Yoga’s Revolved Chair Pose to their workout routine in order to improve posture during work-from-home.

Taking to her social media handle, Malaika shared the steps and benefits of the exercise and was seen acing it herself too. Donning a black crop top teamed with a pair of black tights, Malaika pulled back her sleek hair into a neat braid to keep her tresses off her face during the rigorous exercise session.

Seated on a chair with her legs resting on a block of a brick, Malaika shared in the caption, “Back with #MalaikasMoveOfTheWeek Let’s begin this week with Parivrtta Utkatasana (Revolved Chair Pose) (sic).” Elaborating on the benefits of this Yoga pose, she added, “his pose helps to increase flexibility and aligns the posture while strengthening the spine and is also very effective in detoxification (sic).”


Sit straight on the chair with legs hip-distance apart. Now, keep your feet on the blocks. Inhale and keep your hands in Namaskar mudra.

Exhale. Twist your body to the left and place your right elbow beside your left knee. Keep Namaskar mudra in front of your chest.

Hold for 10 to 15 sec and release. Repeat on the other side.

Additional benefits:

Parivrtta Utkatasana tones the internal organs including the kidneys and digestive organs, tones the practitioner’s thighs, buttocks and hips and improves overall health. It strengthens the mid- and low back, relieves stiffness in shoulders, spine and neck and opens them along with the chest, improves digestion, improves the motion in the ankles and increases metabolism.

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