Not Able To Sleep Well? Avoid Making These Mistakes Post Sunset

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After a day’s work, one looks forward to hitting the bed at night for giving mind the much-deserved rest, and expects to sleep soundly.

A good night’s sleep can refresh and rejuvenate one for the day ahead. But for many, it remains a distant dream. They wake up in the middle of the night unable to fall asleep again or find their mind embroiled in an unending chain of stressful thoughts.

Not able to break this vicious cycle, they toss and turn throughout the night and somehow gather themselves together again in the morning to resume chores for the day. The exercise leaves one exhausted, with little energy and impacts the daily productivity.

While all of us want to be good sleepers, some of us unknowingly make certain common mistakes in the second half of the day that cost us our dear sleep.

Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar says that a disturbed, light or improper sleep could delay the healing, reduce focus, affect working efficacy, digestion and make one feel more anxious and less relaxed.

Just by improving the quality of sleep one can manage many chronic health issues from immune disorders to even cancer.

“99% of my patients with auto immune disorders, hormonal imbalance, skin issues, cancer, lupus and thyroid felt better (physically & mentally) just by improving the quality of their sleep,” says the expert.

Dr Bhavsar also shares how certain common mistakes can affect quality of sleep at night.

1. Caffeine: While few cups of tea and coffee are okay in the first half of the day, having caffeine after 12 pm can be a big sleep disruptor. “So, if you’re somebody who is addicted to caffeine, I highly suggest you to get off your coffees and teas or at least avoid them post 12 pm,” says the expert.

2. Heavy exercise post sunset: Evening time, post sunset, is the time for us to rest and relax. Heavy exercise during evening hours can lead to insomnia and other sleeping issues because exercise makes us feel aware and energetic. More energy physically and mentally makes us more active which makes it difficult for our brain to shut down at bedtime, according to Dr Bhavsar.

3. Heavy or late dinner: Our digestive fire is not optimum post sunset so it is best to have something light for dinner and have it before sunset or within 1-2 hours of sunset. Dinner after 9 pm should be avoided.

4. Gadgets: While many of us like to unwind without gadgets, giving up the temptation would translate into a better quality sleep. “Best to avoid using gadgets 1 hour before bedtime which helps your mind to relax and shut down after working relentlessly throughout the day,” says the Ayurveda expert.

5. Not getting sunlight: Getting some sunshine in the morning or exposing yourself to natural light in the evening just before sunset actually helps you sleep better at bedtime.

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