Say Goodbye To Coughs With This DIY Onion-Honey Cough Syrup – Chef-Tested And Approved

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If you are struggling with a cough, this onion-honey combo can help provide relief. While honey is popularly known for soothing coughs and sore throats, many people may not be aware of the healing powers of onion, which is also a home remedy ingredient used for providing relief from cold and flu for centuries.

In a recent Instagram post, Chef Sneha Singhi Upadhaya has shared how to make this easy and “effective” cough syrup. She adds that this recipe is “completely tried and tested!”

The chef adds in the caption that this syrup is sweet and “surprisingly tasty.” It can be stored “for up to 7-8 days at room temperature.”

Certified Functional Nutrition Coach Pratima Nagaraj approved the recipe in the comments. “Yes! As a nutritionist, I use this home remedy too! Onions are rich in quercetin, and with a combination of honey, it works the best!”

Chef Shaun Kenworthy added, “My gran used to give me that when I was little whenever I had a cough.”

A food content creator wrote, “Oh yes! Tried & tested. Works phenomenally.”

How To Make Onion-Honey Cough Syrup At Home | Homemade Cough Syrup Recipe:

Add 1 large spoonful of chopped onions into a jar.

Cover it with 2 large spoons of honey.

Repeat this step 5-6 times till you reach the top of the jar.

Now close the jar and keep it aside for about 5-6 hours or even overnight. Your homemade cough syrup is ready.

Directions For Consumption:The chef adds that you can have 2-3 spoons daily for 2-3 times a day. You can also replace onions with onion use. Add in onion juice and honey in a 1:2 ratio — “1 tsp onion juice and 2 tbsp honey,” Chef Sneha writes. It is best if you buy honey that is unadulterated. Here is how to check if your honey is pure or adulterated.

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