Shocking ways watching porn affects your physical and mental health!

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The internet’s availability and speedier web connections has evolved the use and access of pornography over the last few decades.

To be truthful, porn has the ability to blur the barrier between reality and imagination, perhaps causing harm to relationships and inciting bad behaviour. Apart from making you believe in superficial perceptions and have wrong notions about sex, there are also many more ways watching pornographic content can impact your health or stress you out! We highlight some of the ways:

Porn negatively impacts your sex life and the potential of causing erectile dysfunction in males

A credible study proved that males who watch porn, remain certainly more unsatisfied with their sex life which could be because of the sort of porn viewing. Not only that, but virility, which is very crucial for every man, has deteriorated pornographic-induced erectile dysfunction. Watching pornography frequently can cause erections, which are progressively only triggered by hardcore pornography which is lethal. Porn intake thus becomes a form of psychological indoctrination that causes anxiety during the performance.

Porn can induce social isolation

Giving in to the impulse to watch pornography on a regular basis results in a loss of the ability to resist temptation. The discipline to resist such gratification is gradually underestimated when your brain gets increasingly focused on the things you find delightful. It’s no surprise that people who are addicted to porn are likely to fail miserably in other aspects of their lives. Provided, pornography almost always necessitates solitude. Anything that a person does in secret frequently results in embarrassment. For men and women, especially those who are young, one of the first repercussions of watching porn is social awkwardness in public, which, ironically, leads to further guilt and concealment.

Such isolation and shame can make sharing true intimacy with others difficult. It also makes it tough to actually mature and grow as a person, as well as attain our full potential as individuals.

Porn spurs incidents of rape and sexual violence

Porn usage can be compared to alcohol consumption, implying that it isn’t always bad, but it can be for individuals with additional risk factors and extensive dependence on pornography carries the potential of provoking violent crimes such as rape and sexual violence. Many researches on pornography and sexual violence have indicated that men who are already sexually aggressive and consume a lot of sexually aggressive pornography are more likely to commit a sexually hostile act.

Porn brings about pessimism in an individual

Most people who abuse pornography also have financial, relationship, and employment-related problems. As dopamine is a neurotransmitter that nerve cells produce to communicate with other nerve cells and an important component of the optimistic behaviour section of our brain leads to its over secretion. Hence an individual becomes resistant to its effects, requiring even more stimulation to feel the rush, profoundly altering the drive or motivation.

Porn promotes the involvement with multiple sex partners and leads to the spread of STDs

Porn’s capacity to fuel sexist views and generate unrealistic sexual expectations causes a man with poor assertiveness to become more negative, stereotyped, and antagonistic toward women. Provided, the open-minded behaviour promoted by porn allows an unhappy person to seek out more sexual partners and affairs while making him/her more willing to pay for sex. Because condoms aren’t widely used in the pornographic industry, where actors are instead routinely tested for STDs, it discourages the use of barrier measures, which sometimes results in the spread of dangerous sexually transmitted diseases.

What should you do?

It’s advisable to curtail the times you watch porn to have healthier relationships. It would help you from not believing in falsified notions of sex. Also, do remember porn can never be the medium to educate yourself about sex and intimacy.

Many people are already suffering from humiliation and sadness as a result of pornography. It might be tough to restart a social life if a person’s pornography habit has dimmed his/her drive to be social. Fortunately, social media can help you reconnect with old friends. Make a long term goal to transition to healthy love relationships and friendships.

You are required to analyse and differentiate between what’s healthy and unhealthy for your brain and feed it accordingly.

For those who are battling with porn every night, Inculcate a habit of making a list of everything you need to get done the next day every night before bed. Try to finish everything on the to-do list. Whatever is leftover gets added to the to-do list for the following day. Ultimately reward yourself for crossing off items on your to-do list. Of course, the prize cannot be porn, but it must be something worthwhile.

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