Sudden Spike In HIV Cases In India: Know How To Protect Yourself From Transmitting, Contracting AIDS

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For the past few days, India is witnessing a sudden spike in HIV cases. According to the reports,14 people have tested positive for HIV infection after getting tattooed from the local tattoo parlour.

This horrific incident took place in Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi. As per the reports, the same needle was used often to save the cost of the needle. So everyone needs to make sure that a new needle is used before tattooing.

In India, 23,18,737 people are living with HIV, including 81,430 children.

HIV is one of the most life-threatening diseases. HIV stands for Human immunodeficiency virus. It is the virus that can lead to the development of the disease AIDS. HIV attacks the body’s immune system. Untreated, HIV reduces the number of T cells in the body. T cells help the body fight disease, and HIV can destroy so many of them that the body becomes vulnerable. Infection and other kinds of illnesses can take advantage of a very weak immune system.

Although, HIV is one of the deadliest diseases and has no cure once the disease reaches its particular stages but it can prevent by taking a few measures.

1. Since ages the most frequent transmission is through sexual contact. Thus, avoiding unprotected sexual intercourse is the best way to prevent the transmission of HIV. Get your partner and yourself tested before the intercourse. The use of condoms is a must just before getting into any kind of sexual activity. Avoid getting involved with multiple sexual partners.

2. The other frequent method of HIV is blood transmission. So, getting blood transfused without prior examination should be strictly avoided. Also, the spread of HIV through blood becomes possible with the use of syringes and or the equipment that has been already used. Thus, reusing syringes for medication or even razors for personal use should be avoided.

3. HIV repasses from the mother to the child during pregnancy or breastfeeding or delivery thus, proper medications and measures that will prevent the transmission of HIV to the child should be carried out.

There are many ways to prevent HIV and reduce the risk of getting infected by being careful while exchanging bodily fluids with a person. Get tested regularly if you suspect a high chance of contracting HIV. Treating HIV at the early stage will improve your outlook and prevent transmission to the other person. If you have already been exposed to HIV, start taking antiretroviral therapy (ART) and daily medication. ART will not completely cure HIV but reduce the virus load from the body.

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