Texas School Shooting: Biden, Obama Hit Out At ‘Gun Lobby, ‘Our Country Is Paralyzed’

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At least 19 children were killed Tuesday after a gunman opened fire at a Texas elementary school in the deadliest shooting at a US grade school since a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, almost a decade ago.

State Sen. Roland Gutierrez, who said he had been briefed by state police, informed that the death toll also included three adults. However, it was not immediately clear whether that number included the gunman.

US President Joe Biden addressed the nation hours after the massacre where he called for new gun restrictions.

“As a nation we have to ask, when in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name are we going to do what has to be done?” Biden asked. “Why are are willing to live with this carnage?

Messages of condolences, grief, and anger have been pouring in since the attack. US officials, members of Congress and other prominent Americans reacted to the Texas school shooting.

First Lady Jill Biden

“Lord, enough.

Little children and their teacher.

Stunned. Angry. Heartbroken.”

Former President Barack Obama

“Nearly ten years after Sandy Hook — and ten days after Buffalo — our country is paralyzed, not by fear, but by a gun lobby and a political party that have shown no willingness to act in any way that might help prevent these tragedies. It’s long past time for action, any kind of action. And it’s another tragedy — a quieter but no less tragic one — for families to wait another day.”

Former President Bill Clinton

“Our elected leaders at the local, state and federal levels, regardless of party, must find common-sense ways to keep our children and communities safe. They can do so without touching the right to hunt, sport shoot, and keep guns for self-defense. Propaganda and paranoia have kept us from helping each other on this for too long. We can do – and be – better. The time to act is now.”

Republican Senator Mitt Romney

“Grief overwhelms the soul. Children slaughtered. Lives extinguished. Parents’ hearts wrenched. Incomprehensible. I offer prayer and condolence but know that it is grossly inadequate. We must find answers.”

Democratic Senator Joe Manchin

“That makes no sense at all, why we can’t do common-sense, common-sense things and try to prevent some of this from happening.”

Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott

“Texans are grieving for the victims of this senseless crime & for the community of Uvalde.

“Cecilia & I mourn this horrific loss & urge all Texans to come together.”

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell

“Horrified and heartbroken by reports of the disgusting violence directed at innocent schoolkids in Uvalde, Texas. The entire country is praying for the children, families, teachers, and staff and the first responders on the scene.”

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz

“Heidi & I are fervently lifting up in prayer the children and families in the horrific shooting in Uvalde. We are in close contact with local officials, but the precise details are still unfolding. Thank you to heroic law enforcement & first responders for acting so swiftly.”

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