UN Observes International Day Of Solidarity With Palestinian People Today, To Hold Special Meeting

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The United Nations observes November 29 as the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People to mark the adoption of the UN’s resolution to partition Palestine into two states.

The UN traditionally celebrates the day by undertaking its annual debate on the question of Palestine.

The day is being observed since 1978. “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is observed annually on or around 29 November, solemnly commemorating the adoption by the Assembly, on 29 November 1947, of resolution 181 (II), which provided for the partition of Palestine into two States. The observance is held at United Nations Headquarters, the United Nations Offices at Geneva and Vienna and elsewhere,” the UN said.

The global body’s secretary-general Antonio Guterres called upon the international community to reaffirm its commitment to the people of Palestine in building their future.

“The situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory remains a challenge to int’l peace & security,” Guterres tweeted on Sunday. “On #PalestineDay, let’s reaffirm commitment to the Palestinian people in their quest to achieve their rights & build a future of peace & dignity for both Palestinians & Israelis,” he added.

To mark the occasion, the UN will be holding a special meeting that would be attended by the President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), the President of the UN Security Council and the UN Chef de Cabinet who would address the programme on behalf of Guterres.

The event will be held at 10am New York Time (8.30pm IST). Currently, Abdulla Shahid, who has served as the Maldivian foreign minister, is the President of the UNGA. The Palestinian mission to the UN has also confirmed that it would participate in the events organised on the day.

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