What’s The Best Time Of The Day To Have Sex?

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Sex can be great at any time of the day, and if you’re male, the very mention of sex will probably have you revved up! This said, experts suggest that sexual pleasure may in fact be governed, to some extent, by the time of day.

Assuming that we all have healthy sleeping habits, and wake up somewhere around 6 to 8 am, most men, in the morning, would (no pun intended!) get out of bed with an erection. You can blame it on testosterone levels that peak towards morning; these levels are also responsible for sexual feelings. This makes it the best time for men to get in the act, as early morning sex can really give after-dark sex a run for its money and in the words of the infamous Charlie Harper from Two and a Half Men: ‘No wood gets wasted.’ Unfortunately for men, women may not be as enamoured with the idea of an early morning frolic, as endorphin levels peak an hour or two later. If you and your partner are on the same page though, you can try to sync your sleep and wake timings, based on (for lack of an appropriate term) your optimal arousal timing.

What’s The Best Time Of The Day To Have Sex?

What’s the good time to have sex? We try to answer that stupid-sounding question!

Sex can be great at any time of the day, and if you’re male, the very mention of sex will probably have you revved up! This said, experts suggest that sexual pleasure may in fact be governed, to some extent, by the time of day.

Assuming that we all have healthy sleeping habits, and wake up somewhere around 6 to 8 am, most men, in the morning, would (no pun intended!) get out of bed with an erection. You can blame it on testosterone levels that peak towards morning; these levels are also responsible for sexual feelings.

This makes it the best time for men to get in the act, as early morning sex can really give after-dark sex a run for its money and in the words of the infamous Charlie Harper from Two and a Half Men: ‘No wood gets wasted.’ Unfortunately for men, women may not be as enamoured with the idea of an early morning frolic, as endorphin levels peak an hour or two later. If you and your partner are on the same page though, you can try to sync your sleep and wake timings, based on (for lack of an appropriate term) your optimal arousal timing.

If things don’t pan out too well in the morning though, you still have your evenings to look forward to. By around 8 to 10PM, women are a lot more energized and won’t just agree to have sex, but could very likely initiate it. Men on the other hand are drained with their day’s work by this time and would typically want to grab a cold beer and collapse in front of the television. Who are we kidding here? Men might not have the energy or testosterone levels of the morning, but they’re still good to go and are unlikely to turn down the opportunity, time of day be damned!

There are other variables to consider however, like your diet, the amount of sleep you get and so on, so don’t blame us if you pull an all-nighter and then can’t rise to the occasion!

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